West Virginia State Parks

First-time camper? 7 tips to help you get the most out of your trip.

Copyright Speciale Photography

From scouting and family trips to backcountry excursions, many fond memories are made with friends and family around a campfire.

While camping is one of the most popular outdoor activities, not everyone has been fortunate enough to have gone camping. That’s OK because it’s never too late to start. Camping can be an affordable and accessible way to experience the outdoors.

If you’ve never been camping before and are exploring the possibility of camping in West Virginia, here are a few tips to help you plan a successful trip.

First time planning a camping trip? Do your research.

When it comes to camping, Dillard Price, the superintendent at Beech Fork State Park, says the best advice he can give is to plan ahead and do plenty of research. Dillard knows a thing or two about camping. He oversees four campgrounds with a total of 275 campsites — the most in the West Virginia State Parks system.

A properly prepared camper is ready to make lasting memories with friends and family. But don’t worry if you forget something. State park camp stores stock necessities like electrical adapters, toilet paper, fire starters and propane tanks for gas grills. You can even pick up snacks and drinks or a souvenir T-shirt.

For a hassle-free camping experience at any state park or forest, follow these pro tips and best practices:

First Time Camping Pro Tips

Camping Best Practices

Find a list of West Virginia State Park campgrounds here and start planning your Almost Heaven getaway today!

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